Friday, November 6, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
Proverbs 13:20

What this quote is trying to say is that someone who walks in with good company shall be a wise person and someone who walks in with bad people shall be a person with bad habits and be discriminated. When you hang out with the wrong crowd and choose to do something wrong and you know it's wrong, you'll end up in a bad spot. If you hang out with a good crowd, good influences will come out of you and you won't have to worry about the bad habits. For example, if you you hang out with wise people who are smart, seem like nice friends, and they help you out whenever you're in a difficult situation, you are doing the right thing because you don't want to end up like a companion of fools and be destroyed. And what I mean by destroyed is that you will give yourself a bad name if you choose to hang out with the wrong people, they will mess up your future. Nobody wants to be unsuccessful in the future. 

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